Four semesters, one Shenkar college of engineering and design, and a diploma in game design. I already work in the field, but you know – now I'm certified. ROCK!
מעצב משחקים עם תעודה
ארבעה סמסטרים. שנקר אחד. תעודת מעצב משחקים. אני כבר עובד בתחום, אבל עכשיו יש אישור רשמי. כבוד.
הדג נחש – בסלון של סלומון
Today the official video for Hadag Nahash' "BaSalon Shel Solomon" came out. The video is part of a project I've been working for in Dice, my marketing firm. It contains lip-syncs of the band's fans, as well as footage of the band which I filmed, using a "Go-Pro" cam. The talented Tomer Levi edited it all. Have fun, and drop a line if you liked it!