The Garden Keepers
A preschool edutainment animation series, focused on promoting urban sustainability and biophilia. The show won two grants from the Jerusalem film & TV initiative and is currently in sales process. The show is represented by the Operation Room.
Creator: Nimrod Dweck
Art: Ophir Sheriff
Writers: Kaaren Brown & Nimrod Dweck
An animated web mini-series about Jewish Demonology. The show is currently in early development, and been part of the Draft/Stkitz incubator, by Keren Makor/Israel.
Creators: Nimrod Dweck & Ophir Sheriff
Art: Ophir Sheriff
Writers: Ophir Sheriff & Nimrod Dweck
I Mean Business – The Rise & Fall of Levi Eshkol
An animated historical rap musical about Levi Eshkol, Israel’s underdog prime minister. Currently in development.
Creators: Nimrod Dweck & Ophir Sheriff
Writers: Nimrod Dweck, Ophir Sheriff, Lior Shinberger
Art: Ophir Sheriff
Music: David Maayan